Corporate philosophy
Three management principles
By establishing the following three management principles, we are advancing toward their realization.

Contribution to the society
We proactively contribute to the development of the society to find a rewarding sense of satisfaction, and bring meaning into our business.
Customer-centered approach
We engage in creative activities which are meaningful for our clients, and always strive to be a company they can rely on.
Innovative approach
We proceed with creation and reformation by always trying something new.
Our fundamental standpoint
We started our business from the standpoint that our mission is to provide our clients with adhesive functions and systems.
Our company’s name, Kyoritsu, is constituted of two Chinese characters: “Kyo (協)” which means “all members moving forward together in a spirit of cooperation”, and “Ritsu (立)” which means “independence.” That is, the meaning of “Kyoritsu” is an independent company where independent individuals sharing the corporate dream work together as part of the company to realize it.
We believe what is important about the corporate management is not only to pursue profits and economic rationality, but also to allow each employee to have his/her dreams and objectives, and pursue self-realization along with corporate dreams.
They say “One cultivates and develops himself/herself by engaging in the job.” We aim at human-centered management based on a system which allows every employee to gain spiritual rewards measured not only in economic terms, that is, a rewarding sense of satisfaction with the job and the meaning of life, to engage in intellectual production activities while enjoying a feeling of fulfillment and discovering a bright outlook, and to obtain a well-won reward.
Unless every employee feels happy, we cannot bring joy to our clients or do creative jobs. We believe that the best type of management is to thoroughly pursue the “real joy we obtain by contributing to someone and being appreciated by him/her” through external as well as internal activities.