
  1. STEP1 Enter
  2. STEP2 Confirm
  3. STEP3 Complete

Enter your inquiry

Please select the type of your inquiry, and enter your inquiry and personal data.

Requiredindicates required items, so please be sure that the field has been filled in.

    Inquiry itemsRequired

    Select inquiry item

    Your proposalRequired

    Select your proposal
    Please describe your inquiry specifically.

    Corporation / IndividualRequired

    Select corporation or individual
    If the applicant is an individual, please write "individual".
    If the applicant is an individual, please write "individual".
    One-byte numbers without a hyphen
    One-byte numbers without a hyphen
    One-byte alphanumeric characters
    Please do not web-based e-mail or cellular e-mail addresses.
    Please note that it might take several days for us to respond to inquiries made using free e-mail addresses or carrier addresses.
    One-byte alphanumeric characters

    Our handling of personal information is explained in the privacy policy page.
    Please make your inquiry after agreeing to the content of the policy.